The automated translation of authorities service allows subscribers to translate RVM (Topics) authorities found in the bibliographic records, from English to French or French to English
3-month subscription: 30% of the annual subscription price
12-month subscription
Rate A - for
school, college and academic libraries, according to the number of pupils or students enrolled
specialized documentation centers, depending on the number of employees or members of the parent organization
Rate B - for
municipal libraries, according to the population of the municipality
regional services centers for public libraries, according to the population of the region
national and provincial libraries, according to the population of the province or country
Renewal rate applies only to existing customers subscribed to RVM online for at least one year and ceases to apply if the subscription is interrupted.
Rate A
Rate B
1 to 2 499
1 to 4 999
1 287 $
1 053 $
2 500 to 3 999
5 000 to 9 999
1 622 $
1 281 $
4 000 to 5 999
10 000 to 24 999
1 928 $
1 545 $
6 000 to 9 999
25 000 to 49 999
2 257 $
1 806 $
10 000 to 19 999
50 000 to 99 999
2 544 $
2 052 $
20 000 to 29 999
100 000 to 149 999
2 882 $
2 305 $
30 000 to 39 999
150 000 to 199 999
3 541 $
2 690 $
40 000 to 49 999
200 000 to 299 999
4 166 $
3 196 $
50 000 and over
300 000 and over
4 997 $
3 800 $
commercial services for document processing
subscription 4 701 $
renewal 3 575 $ per year
RVM acquisition pricing 2023
Before purchasing thesaurus files, users must sign a license agreement authorizing the use of RVM thesauruses. To establish the basic file acquisition and updating fee, Université Laval must know how many records are contained in your library or documentation center catalogue as well as how many new records are added each year. A proposal including rates is then submitted for your approval.
Automated translation pricing 2023
The automated translation of authorities service only applies to RVM (Topics) authorities. Only subscribers can use this service. A base rate and use fee, either per record (batch translation) or per authority (piecemeal translation) will be billed annually. Special rates are available for retrospective translation of authorities already in your catalogue.
Rates for Academic Institutions
Annual base subscription
fee per Full-time student equivalent (Équivalent Étudiants Temps Complet (EETP)) 0,10 $/EETP
service fee
routine operations - by batch translation : 0.60 $/record processed
routine operations - one by one translation: 0.25 $/heading translated
routine operations - by batch translation: 0.60 $/record processed
retrospective operations - by batch translation: 0.50 $/record processed MINUS discount after 25,000 records per year
Records for translation% discount
25 000 to 49 999 5 %
50 000 to 74 999 10 %
75 000 to 99 999 20 %
100 000 to 199 999 30 %
200 000 to 299 999 40 %
300 000 to 399 999 50 %
400 000 to 499 999 60 %
500 000 to 599 999 70 %
600 000 to 699 999 80 %
700 000 to 799 999 80 %
800 000 to 899 999 80 %
900 000 and over 80 %
Municipal, Government, and other rates
Annual base subscription
based on total number of records processed
Records / year Base price
1 to 2 499 250 $
2 500 to 9 999 500 $
10 000 to 19 999 1 000 $
20 000 to 24 999 1 500 $
25 000 to 29 999 2 000 $
30 000 to 34 999 3 000 $
35 000 to 39 999 4 000 $
40 000 to 49 999 5 000 $
50 000 to 74 999 8 000 $
75 000 to 79 999 9 000 $
80 000 to 99 999 10 000 $
100 000 and over 10 000 $
service fee
routine operations - by batch translation: 0.60 $/record processed
routine operations - one by one translation: 0.25 $/heading translated
retrospective operations - by batch translation: 0.50 $/record processed MINUS discount after 10,000 records per year